Thursday, May 5, 2011


So this week has gone by pretty quickly... Monday we took advantage of having only practice on the agenda so we slept in =) Then it was off to the studio for a good 4+ hour work out. We ran through routines and fixed trouble areas and kind of recapped our weekend at the comp- trying to fix anything that didn`t work or what not. After that we went back to Brian`s house to eat dinner and ended up watching a movie (Just Friends-still one of my favorites). Tonight Bri was really tired, so I ended up taking the car home. The Moriyama`s live on a hill and I ended up freaking myself out that the car would roll down the hill and crash- on my watch. Needless to say I called mi madre to make sure I had the correct uphill parking technique- wheels faced into the curb and parking brake on... Can you imagine if I had crashed the car? Scary thought...Thankfully, the next morning showed that I did it correctly and the car was still around.whew.

Tuesday was a little bit more productive. First we went to Los Angeles for the taping of Chelsea Lately (ya we are that cool lol). Brian went onto some seat filler website and scored us free tickets to the show! I hate doing this, but nice work Bri =) It was so fun! The whole waiting in line thing sucked (especially since it was hot- and some girl faked heat exhaustion to get a better seat...brat). But it was great. And even though it was a night show, the taping was at like 2 in the afternoon. The host before the actual show was hysterical, though he dropped quite a few f-bombs out lol. His jokes were super natural and flowed great, highly amusing. The show itself was fantastic!

 Chelsea is hilarious- we quite enjoyed going and are trying to find other shows to attend while down here. The guest was some random girl that I am not familiar with... She`s in some movie called Jumping the Broom- which I took to be like a black tradition something similar to over the threshold? No clue, but kind of interested now in seeing it. After that we went to practice (though not quite 4 hours this time), then decided to try and find fabric to add to the dress Brian is doing for me. So we first went to this cool little shop that sells fabric by the pound, but were unable to find the fabric we needed. So then we went to quite possibly the LARGEST JoAnns Fabric that I have ever seen. Sadly, this one also failed in the needed fabric department. We decided it was an embarrassment to Joann stores (aren`t they ALL about fabrics?) Pitiful. We then grabbed food and Brian dropped me off home. I spent the rest of the night having a great talk with the Moriyama`s. This is the first time I really got to talk to the family, and they asked a lot of questions (They had found one of our youtube videos and decided to watch- so we had a talk about ballroom, among other things as well). They also decided I do not eat enough (we always eat at the studio or on the road), so they made me some eggs and got me fruit. Like I said... Nice family.
Wednesday was a tough day. First I got up and did some researching on cool west coast moves for class tonight... the ones I found were so fun! then we got together and went to practice, and I think the heat, stress and only being with each other got to us. We both had different views on how practice should go and they did not go together. So practice hit a stand still. So then we used the technique that I like- talking it out- followed by the technique Brian likes-stop talking about it and move on: Brian is trying to claim he was already over it... but I know him well enough, he was still pissed... He tries to claim he is over things but does not hide it. But yes, I do talk things out, probably too much, but for me it helps me understand it better and confirms to me that the matter is dealt with, not just swept under the carpet to make a mess later. Eventually we got out of the rut and got to work. This makes me realize why Brian and I are a good match  up- we have learned how to communicate with each other and how to work through tough times. We are not perfect, but we can overcome any obstacle thrown our way. It helps that he is one of my best friends and I know he will always be there for me- even if its at the grave after he murders me... haha just kidding. But seriously, its great knowing he has my back. It is so hard to see all these amazing couples and not be able to make ourselves like them- but thats just it, we never will be, because we are ourselves. So now we need to focus on what makes us work well and play our strengths, to be not them, but our best selves. I know we both have potential and are willing to learn, we just need to have more confidence that it`ll all work out the way God intends it to. We just have to work at being our personal best/ After our practice we got to teach classes! Brian taught a samba basics class first. The class loved him! He has such a great mix of being funny and of being on task. He did a really good job. I have to teach west coast swing after him. My class went well, though I do not know that I did as good as Bri did. We did a little bit of the basic then moved to some harder steps. The moves that I had found earlier were way over their head so I stuck to basics. It was really fun though. I also found out from Tom that I got my first student! He signed up for a package of 20 classes =) that made me happy. We also stayed a little late to help Tom tape up the walls so he could paint the studio (color choice-not the best). He told us one of his toughest critics (this guy who hates new teachers) loved us and told Tom he liked us =) yay. We went after practice to pick up this dress form Brian had bought, then we ran to taco bell for dinner and Bri took me home.
Which brings me to today... I could not wake up this morning... I finally made myself get up around 11:30. I got ready (looking at the beautiful beach) and talked to my sister Kelsey on the phone. Brian came around 1:15 to get me and we drove out to Long Beach for my brother Tanner`s gymnastics competition (Junior Olympic Nationals). Brian wanted to kill me getting there, b/c my dad had not given me clear directions of parking... but we found it and made our way in just in time. Brian used to do gymnastics and it was funny to hear him whining about some of the kids sucked and he could still do better... sure ;) "how hard is a double full? and "wow, they can`t even land with their feet together..pathetic" Thanks Bri. but Tanner looked great!
Poor kid broke him fingers right in the middle of his hand earlier this week so he only could do floor and vault (how he even managed that is beyond me). His floor was awesome!!!! He thankfully landed feet closed so
Brian approved (insert eye rolling here). We went to get drinks only discover how ripped off the prices were... $18.75 for the 5 of us to get drinks... just small bottles too. ugh. Then we watched vault. Nans got off on his steps, so it was not his best- I was still impressed. I went to go cheer him (big sister duties =) ) then Brian and I said goodbye and went to the studio.
 I talked to Nicole and heard William got his call to Tulsa, Oklahoma spanish speaking!!! so so cool! Then, we went over the changes made yesterday in rumba, then started in on cha cha. I elbowed Brian on what part and got the "I will kill you" look...oops. Then we did it a few more times and got back into good moods then took a break. Brian has this issue of social networking on facebook during practice so we allowed him to do that, then went over tonights cha cha routine we are to teach. The class was so fun! We had most of the same students from yesterday with a few new ones. The class has such a great energy to it! We both love teaching it and the students ask such great questions! Afterwards we came across a spectacle... A russian who actually smiles! Eugenia is a standard professional who works at Regency and she is so sweet! She was quite complimentary of the fact that I had good leg extenstions =) guess she moved here from Moscow quite recently and doesnt speak a ton of english.. Anyways, we like her already =) Afterwards we got our stuff, grabbed some pizza (which Brian practically broke open to eat asap) and headed to Brian`s to updated these and to catch up on Glee.=) Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I love reading your side of the story! You are much more descriptive of your days which I love! It's like I am there living the dream with you. love ya, have fun!
